11 Things I do Before 8 Am |My Morning Routine|

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A woman doing her morning routine

A good morning routine sets the tone for a positive and productive day. When you have a good morning routine of self-care, productivity, and wellness, you’ll change the quality of your life.

Routines are things you do daily. Those routines become habits, and habits influence how you live your life. 

Now I get that waking up in the morning is most people’s Mount Everest.

I’m a morning person. Since a very young age, my mind was trained to wake early and sleep early. So, the biggest thing I had to concur with was not waking up early but having a routine, especially a productive one!

I would just lay in bed, go on my phone, and scroll through social media. That made me feel exhausted to the point where the day would pass by in bed.

However, deep down, I knew that had to change.

Slowly, I began to avoid scrolling through my phone right when I woke up and built a good morning routine that promotes well-being, and in return, I became a productive person.

I also want to say you don’t have to start your day at 5 am. Everybody’s work schedule and lifestyle are different. You can still follow the same routine but begin around 6 am or 7 am as you feel comfortable.

If you’re anything like me and want to build a routine, I got you!

Here is my exact morning routine before 8 am.

11 things I do: my before 8 am morning routine

  1. Wake up early

I normally wake up around 5:00 – 5:30 every day. Since I work from home, my morning routine is not complicated. I adjust the time depending on how I feel.

Bedtime for me is usually 8:30 – 9:30, and I sleep 7 to 8 hours daily(I don’t play about sleep)

Now, this is my preference, and this is how my body works.

On the other hand, I know some people can’t wake up without an alarm, and that’s okay, too. You just have to understand how your body works.

  1. Relax for 20 minutes

Before learning to relax and doing nothing when I first woke up, I would go through my phone, get consumed by the other world, and when I tell you that, refrain from starting my day calmly.

When I wake up, I sit up straight and do nothing for 10-20 minutes.

A woman drinking water with sliced lemon
  1. Hydrate myself 

I always fill up my water bottle the night before. As soon I wake up, I sip my water while relaxing.

Ideally, warm water would be more beneficial to the body as it prevents premature aging, alleviates pain, helps weight loss, improves digestion, improves blood circulation, and so many others.

If it’s doable for you, that’s your best option.

  1. Make my bed

Getting out of bed and making my bed immediately has been a game-changer for me. It helps me focus and kills the urge to “let me lounge in a bed for a little bit.“

The theory of making your bed is so powerful. Making your bed not only keeps your room tidy but also gives you a sense of accomplishment, which will encourage you more throughout the day.

Which encourages you early in the morning and leads to accomplishment throughout the day

A study also shows making your bed gives you a sense of calmness, better sleep, improved focus, relaxation, and stress reduction.

  1. Oil pull and brush my teeth

After making my bed, or sometimes while making my bed, I put a tablespoon of coconut oil in my mouth and swish it around for about 15 minutes.

Oil pulling is a holistic Indian medical system. It helps get rid of bacteria in the mouth. It’s helpful for healthy gums, reduces bad breath, and might even help with digestion.

After spitting out the coconut oil I floss and then brush my teeth.

I am so pro-oil-pulling, as mouthwash can cause dryness, which can lead to tooth decay. It can even worsen or cause ulcers in the mouth.

 Instead, opt for a good coconut or sesame oil.

  1. Breakfast

My favorite meal of the day. I usually have eggs with some bread.

I like to have small portions of food every 2 hours or so I mostly have a snack in between too. 

  1. Do my skincare routine

After having breakfast, I jump into doing my skincare routine. I wash my face with a mild cleanser for a minute, then apply my favorite moisturizer.

I usually shower at night or in the evening after taking a walk.

A journaling book with a pen
  1. Prayer and gratitude

Praying and writing my gratitude are the most important parts of my morning routine, where I set my intention for the day and pray for the strength to complete it.

I pray for grace, consciousness, and guidance for the day ahead.

I also write five things I’m grateful for every morning. This gives me perspective and appreciation of what I have and grounds me.

  1. Drink tea

I’m such a fan of herbal tea, one of my favorite being decaffeinated green tea and chamomile tea.

Green tea contains plant-based antioxidant compounds, protects the brain from aging, and helps prevent heart disease.

I like to mix the chamomile and green tea in one cup and drink it, but if not, I sometimes have my green tea in the morning and mix both in the evening.

  1. Read

Everybody should read at least one book a month, even if it’s for 15-20 minutes daily.

I mostly read self-help books or anything that is around holistic health. 

I read blogs and other how-to guides to cultivate my blogging for inspiration since I have a long way to go.

If you don’t know what type of books to read, evaluate your likes and find they’ll speak in areas you need to improve.

If you’re not yet incorporating reading in your morning, this is your sign to do so!

  1. Most important task of the day

After reading, I check my emails and go to my laptop for work. Which for me is writing and working on this blog since I am a full-time blogger, 

I didn’t mention exercise because I usually go out for a 3-4 km walk in the evening to get some fresh air after I’m done with my work.

This is my morning routine. I keep it simple and only do things that are good for me without leaving me exhausted and rushed.

You also can do the same thing but rearrange it how you’d like it to be based on your preference.

Set the Tone for the Morning the Night Before

Setting a tone for the morning starts the night before. What that consists of would be 

Having a goodnight sleep(7-8 hours of  sleep)

Tiding up in the evening

Setting a to-do list for the next day

Tidying up or doing things that could’ve been done the night before can ease up your morning routine, leading to a productive day.

How Long Should a Morning Routine Be?

A morning routine is a personal preference, but ideally, it should be 30 min- 2 hours daily. At the end of the day, balance is what matters. Strive to practice routines that set a positive tone for the day without feeling rushed and stressed.

Final Thoughts on Before 8 am Morning Routine

Kindly note that this is MY morning routine and not a standard guide for everybody.

This is a routine of a self-employed young adult.

However, this morning routine allows you to slow down and treat yourselves kindly.

While this might be ideal for someone with a 9-5 or someone with kids. I hope you set aside time for your mornings because that sets the tone for a good and productive day.

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