How to Get Rid of a Blind Pimple: Effective Home Remedies

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A Woman Touching her Pimple

Dealing with a blind pimple can be frustrating and painful. Unlike regular pimples, blind pimples form under the skin’s surface and don’t develop a visible head. This makes them harder to treat and more tempting to pick at, which can lead to further inflammation or scarring. The good news is that several effective home remedies can help reduce the size and pain of a blind pimple and eventually help it disappear.

In this article, we’ll delve into what a blind pimple is, why they form, and most importantly, how you can get rid of a blind pimple using simple yet powerful home remedies. By the end, you’ll understand how to handle these unwelcome bumps and prevent future occurrences.

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What is a Blind Pimple?

A blind pimple, also known as a closed comedo, is a type of acne that forms deep within the skin. It doesn’t have a head like a typical pimple, which means the pus is trapped beneath the surface. These pimples are usually large, red, and painful, making them difficult to ignore.

A combination of factors such as hormonal changes, excessive oil production, bacteria, and clogged pores often causes blind pimples. Because they are so deep under the skin, they are more challenging to treat than surface-level pimples.

Why Do Blind Pimples Form?

Understanding the causes of blind pimples can help in preventing them. The primary culprits behind these painful bumps include:

  • Hormonal Fluctuations

Hormonal changes, particularly during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, or due to conditions like PCOS, can increase oil production in the skin. This excess oil can clog pores and lead to the formation of blind pimples.

  • Excessive Oil Production

The skin naturally produces oil (sebum) to keep itself hydrated. However, when the sebaceous glands produce too much oil, it can mix with dead skin cells and bacteria, leading to clogged pores and, eventually, blind pimples.

  • Bacteria

Propionibacterium acnes is the bacteria that naturally live on the skin and can become trapped within clogged pores. This bacteria can contribute to inflammation and the development of blind pimples.

  • Clogged Pores

Dead skin cells, dirt, and other impurities can clog the pores, trapping oil and bacteria beneath the skin’s surface. This creates an environment where blind pimples can thrive.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Treating Blind Pimples

Before diving into home remedies, it’s crucial to understand what you should and shouldn’t do when dealing with a blind pimple.


  • Apply warm compresses: A warm compress can help increase blood circulation to the area, bringing more white blood cells to fight the infection and reduce inflammation.
  • Keep the area clean: Wash the affected area gently with a mild cleanser to remove excess oil and bacteria.
  • Use anti-inflammatory ingredients: Tea tree oil, aloe vera, and witch hazel can help reduce inflammation and promote healing.


  • Don’t Squeeze or Pop: Squeezing a blind pimple can push bacteria deeper into the skin, leading to more inflammation or scarring.
  • Avoid Harsh Scrubs: Exfoliating too aggressively can irritate the skin and worsen the pimple.
  • Stay Away from Heavy Creams: Oil-based creams can further clog pores and exacerbate pimples.
Calm black lady applying sheet mask for treatment procedure

Effective Home Remedies to Get Rid of a Blind Pimple

Now that we’ve covered the basics let’s explore some effective home remedies that can help you get rid of a blind pimple.

  1. Warm Compress

One of the simplest yet most effective remedies for a blind pimple is a warm compress. The heat helps to open up the pores, bringing the pimple to a head and making it easier to treat.

How to use:

  • Soak a clean cloth in warm water.
  • Apply the compress to the affected area for 10-15 minutes several times a day.
  • Repeat until the pimple comes to a head or reduces in size.
  1. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It can help reduce the size and redness of a blind pimple and prevent infection.

How to use:

  • Dilute tea tree oil with a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba oil.
  • Apply the mixture directly to the blind pimple using a cotton swab.
  • Leave it on overnight and rinse off in the morning.
Green Aloe Vera Plants
  1. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a soothing remedy that can reduce inflammation and redness. It also has antibacterial properties that can help prevent the pimple from becoming infected.

How to use:

  • Apply pure aloe vera gel directly to the blind pimple.
  • Leave it on for 20-30 minutes before rinsing with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat 2-3 times a day for best results.
  1. Honey and Cinnamon Mask

Honey is a natural antibacterial agent, while cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties. Together, they can help reduce the severity of a blind pimple.

How to use:

  • Mix one tablespoon of honey with 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder.
  • Apply the mixture to the affected area and leave it on for 10-15 minutes.
  • Rinse off with warm water.
  1. Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is a natural astringent that can help reduce swelling, redness, and pain associated with blind pimples. It also helps to dry out the pimple without causing further irritation.

How to use:

  • Soak a cotton pad in witch hazel.
  • Gently dab it onto the blind pimple.
  • Use this remedy 1-2 times a day until the pimple reduces in size.
  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has acidic properties that can help kill bacteria and dry out excess oil, making it an effective treatment for blind pimples.

How to use:

  • Dilute apple cider vinegar with water (1 part vinegar to 3 parts water).
  • Apply the mixture to the pimple using a cotton ball.
  • Leave it on for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with water.
  • Repeat once daily.
  1. Epsom Salt Soak

Epsom salt helps reduce inflammation and draws out the pus, making it an excellent remedy for blind pimples.

How to use:

  • Dissolve 1-2 tablespoons of Epsom salt in warm water.
  • Soak a clean cloth in the solution and apply it to the blind pimple for 10-15 minutes.
  • Repeat daily until the pimple comes to a head or reduces.
  1. Turmeric Paste

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can help treat blind pimples effectively.

How to use:

  • Mix turmeric powder with water to form a thick paste.
  • Apply the paste directly to the blind pimple and leave it on for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse off with lukewarm water.
  • Use this remedy once a day.
  1. Ice Pack

An ice pack can help reduce swelling and numb the area, relieving the pain of a blind pimple.

How to use:

  • Wrap a few ice cubes in a clean cloth.
  • Apply the ice pack to the blind pimple for 5-10 minutes.
  • Repeat several times a day as needed.
  1. Over-the-Counter Spot Treatments

If home remedies aren’t enough, over-the-counter spot treatments containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid can be effective.

How to use:

  • Apply a small amount of the spot treatment directly to the blind pimple.
  • Follow the product instructions for frequency and duration.

When to See a Dermatologist

While home remedies can be effective, there are times when it’s best to seek professional help. Suppose your blind pimple persists over a few weeks or becomes increasingly painful, swollen, or infected. In that case, it’s time to see a dermatologist.

They can offer treatments like cortisone injections, which can reduce inflammation quickly, or other medical interventions to clear up the pimple.


Blind pimples may be stubborn and painful, but with the right approach, you can effectively get rid of them. By following these home remedies, you’ll be able to reduce the size, pain, and redness of a blind pimple, helping it heal more quickly. Remember to be patient and consistent with your treatments, and avoid the temptation to pick or squeeze the pimple, as this can lead to scarring.

Maintaining a consistent skincare routine and understanding the factors contributing to blind pimples can also help prevent future breakouts. With these tips, you’ll be better prepared to tackle blind pimples head-on, ensuring your skin stays clear and healthy.